Summer Trails
Mid-summer and out looking for bugs, or birds, or basically any wildlife, and I caught this view of a hiking trail leading up through the
Assortment of Butterflies
Peck’s Skipper butterflies Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly Clouded Sulphur butterfly Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfl Small White butterfly Red Admiral butterfly Horace’s Duskywing butterfly Horace’s Duskywing butterfly
Lefferts Pond in August
BRENT PENNINGTON – View across Chittenden Reservoir, VT, past No-Bear Island, on the morning of 20 August 2023. BRENT PENNINGTON – Eastern view across Lefferts
Trumpeter Swan
A visit to Promised Land State Park a few weeks back, on an unusually cool summer morning, didn’t yield the morning light and sunrise images
Monarch Arrival
First Monarch butterfly of the season. There were none, and then in the course of three days I found several of them across different locations,
Broad-necked Root Borer
After an early evening rain I stepped out to see what I might find around my backyard and gardens. These little walks are pleasant on
Summer Morning
Summertime is painted in gold tones. The light is warm, and so are the days, the temperature often rising too high for my taste. Mornings
Least Skipper
Another member of the skipper family of butterflies, this is the aptly-named Least Skipper. The scale is a bit lost in these photos, but the