Shades of Death

The “Shades of Death” trail at Hickory Run may win the award for the most ominous trail name in Pennsylvania – or possibly anywhere, at least that I’ve heard.  Whatever images you may conjure upon hearing it are likely hyperbole: as trails go, and despite being listed as one of the “most difficult” trails in the park, it’s really more of a stroll along side small, tumbling Sand Spring Run itself.

According to the park brochure, the name stems from the original settlers in reference to the dark woods and rocky landscape – and I’ll grant it that.  From a hiking perspective, it’s really no worse than the majority of creek-side trails I’ve enjoyed, and was significantly easier-going than some New England trails I can think of.

Still, it seemed appropriate for a visit last autumn, where I once again broke out the tripod as Mandy and I embarked on a wet, overcast day.  The trail follows the edge of the creek – or “run” hereabouts – and scrambles over boulders and through rhododendron thickets.  The forest is dark, and it doesn’t seem like a promising place to build a settlement, although there were home and mills along the run in the 1800s.  Some of those remains are still visible, notably the old stone dam mid-way along the trail.

It’s definitely photogenic, although most of the natural falls are small.  But the interplay of the forest and the rocky terrain is always interesting, and with a dash of autumn color, it was well worth the drive.